Water conservation is a major concern for many homeowners. Not only is water usage affecting the environment, but it’s resulting in some pretty high water bills. Don’t worry. You don’t have to sacrifice your beautiful lawn to save water and money. Try using the following tips to provide you with the lawn of your dreams without the huge expense.
Don’t Overwater
You’ll save a lot of money if you quit overwatering. It’s very easy to water your lawn too often and for far too long. More isn’t always better. Overwatering will drown the grass and result in disease outbreaks.
Instead of following a routine when it comes to watering, vary the times and length of each session according to the weather. Most lawns only need one inch of water each week. This includes rainfall.
Audit Your Sprinklers
An excellent way to save money on water is to audit your sprinkler system. This provides you with valuable information on how much water each area of the lawn receives. You can then make adjustments accordingly, which could be moving a sprinkler head or shortening the amount of time the system runs.
Simply place measuring cups in various locations around your lawn. This will tell you which areas are getting the most water and which need more.
Choose the Right Grass
It’s important to plant the right grass for your climate when it comes to saving money on water. Lawns that can tolerate drought and heat won’t need as much water. Drought-tolerant grass will go dormant during a dry spell. Once the rain and cooler temperatures return, it goes back to being lush and green.
Drought-resistant grass tolerates drought and heat without going dormant. These types of grass utilize water more efficiently. Remember that all types of grass will need some water to be healthy, even during a dry spell.
Time Your Watering Perfectly
Part of saving money on anything is getting the most value out of your dollar. This includes water. Don’t water during the middle of the day when it’s the hottest and sunniest. The water will dry up before it reaches the roots of your grass, or it can burn the blades. Water your lawn in the early morning rather than in the evening. You need sunlight to ward off disease and fungus.
You’ll notice the difference in your monthly water bill once you make these tips a part of your lawn care routine. Best of all, these tips and some routine care will keep your lawn looking amazing. Call Global Land Solutions in Chattanooga, TN for help with all of your lawn maintenance needs.